KPI Dashboard

Key Performance Indicators are metrics used to evaluate the success of a business based on specific goals.

To create effective and memorable KPI slogans, businesses need to identify their target audience, message, and objectives.


Multinational consumer goods corporation


Business needs

Collects, monitors, and displays complex data via interactive and customizable dashboards and reports.

Help c-levels taking timely and correct data-driven decisions.

Working anywhere anytime any device.



Frontend is built using Neptune Software Open Edition.

We used HighCharts library to display metrics, data series and charts.

Backend and dashboard engine is written in Microsoft ASP .NET.


Decision-making aid

Dashboard creation tool customizable and easy to use.

Create and manage KPIs, offering a wide range of options to choose.

Scorecards, gap analisys and reports.

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Alessandro Garofalo

Alessandro Garofalo
